Our next event: Tod Browning’s The Devil-Doll (1936)

We are thrilled to announce that our next event will be a 35mm presentation of Tod Browning’s deliciously strange horror, The Devil-Doll (1936). Released just four years after Browning’s most famous work, Freaks (1932), Devil-Doll stars Lionel Barrymore as Lavond, an escaped Devil’s Island prisoner who was wrongly convicted. Lavond’s companion, Marcel, is a scientist who has discovered a way to shrink people to a sixth of their size. Using the shrinking method, Lavond begins to exact his revenge upon the people who framed him, all whilst disguising himself as an elderly woman. Based on Abraham Merritt’s 1932 novel, Burn, Witch, Burn!, The Devil-Doll is a rarely seen gem packed with visual trickery and odd-ball characters.

Screening at Genesis Cinema on 6th April 2017. Tickets here.

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